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Registered office: 

Poststrasse 24                                                            

6300 Zug


Zurich branch:

Tödistrasse 38, 8002 Zurich, Switzerland

Phone: +41 (0)44 552 08 00



Stableton Financial AG is licensed as a portfolio manager, according to Art. 17(1) of the Financial Institutions Act (FINIA) and is supervised by FINcontrol Suisse AG, General-Guisan-Strasse 6, CH – 6300 Zug. FinControl is an independent Swiss supervisory organization in accordance with Article 43a of the Financial Market Supervision Act of 22 June 2007 (FINMASA). 


As a customer-focused company, Stableton puts user satisfaction first. Accordingly, if at any time Stableton does not meet user’s expectations, please let Stableton know immediately to find a way to solve the issue. However, if an amicable solution with Stableton is not reached, users can contact the Swiss Financial Ombudsman Service, FINOS. This is the ombudsman office responsible for complaints against Stableton in Switzerland, which is a neutral information and mediation office, according to FinSA. Address: Finanzombudsstelle Schweiz (FINOS) Talstrasse 20 (1st floor) CH-8001 Zürich Phone: +41 (0)44 552 08 00




Eingetragener Sitz:

Angaben gemäß § 5 des Digitale-Dienste-Gesetz (TMG):

Diese Webpräsenz wird im Auftrag der Stableton Financial (Germany) GmbH betrieben.

Kontakt zur Stableton Financial (Germany) GmbH

Anschrift: c/o Mindspace; Friedrichstraße 68; DE-10117 Berlin

Telefon: +49 30 81 454 0 850


Weitere Angaben zur Stableton Financial (Germany) GmbH

Geschäftsführung: Andreas Bezner, Konstantin Heiermann

Handelsregistereintrag: Amtsgericht Charlottenburg, HRB 238592

Für Homepage inhaltlich Verantwortlicher: Stableton Financial (Germany) GmbH

Erbringung von Anlagevermittlung unter dem Haftungsdach der AHP Capital Management GmbH

Die Stableton Financial (Germany) GmbH erbringt ihre Dienstleistungen in der Anlagevermittlung von Finanzinstrumenten im Sinne des § 2 Abs. 2 Nr. 3 des Wertpapierinstitutsgesetzes (WpIG) ausschließlich für Rechnung und unter der Haftung der AHP Capital Management GmbH. Insoweit ist die Stableton Financial (Germany) GmbH als vertraglich gebundene Vermittlerin der AHP Capital Management GmbH gemäß § 3 Abs. 2 WpIG tätig. Die AHP Capital Management GmbH hat als Wertpapierinstitut nach § 15 Abs. 1 WpIG die Erlaubnis der Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (BaFin) für die Erbringung der Anlagevermittlung und Anlageberatung im Sinne des § 2 Abs. 2 Nr. 3 und Nr. 4 WpIG inne, ohne sich bei der Erbringung dieser Finanzdienstleistungen Eigentum oder Besitz an Geldern oder Wertpapieren von Kunden verschaffen oder Finanzinstrumente auf eigene Rechnung anschaffen oder veräußern zu dürfen.

Die Stableton Financial (Germany) GmbH ist in das von der BaFin öffentlich geführte Register der vertraglich gebundenen Vermittler unter der Nummer 80177725 bei ihrem Haftungsinstitut, der AHP Capital Management GmbH, eingetragen. Das Register kann unter eingesehen werden.

Weitere Informationen zur AHP Capital Management GmbH

Kontakt: Hinweise unter

Beschwerdestelle: Hinweise unter

Aufsichtsbehörde: Hinweise zur BaFin unter

Entschädigungseinrichtung: Hinweise zur Entschädigungseinrichtung der Wertpapierhandelsunternehmen (EdW) unter

Registered office:

Aspazijas bulvāris 24 – 7

Rīga, LV-1050, Latvia

Registered in Latvia: 40203336931

VAT: LV40203336931

Directors: Andreas Bezner, Konstantin Heiermann



Registered Office:

12, rue des Mérovingiens, 8070 Bertrange, Luxembourg

Entity-Level SFDR Disclosures: Stableton Co-Invest GP S.à r.l.

1. Integration of sustainability risks in investment decisions (Article 3 SFDR)

Sustainability risks refer to environmental, social or governance-related events or conditions that, if they occur, can cause a significant negative impact on the value of an investment.

The AIFM integrates sustainability risks into the investment decision-making process but not in the context of the promotion of ESG characteristics. How sustainability risks are considered is tailored to each investment strategy, taking into account factors such as asset class, geography, and industry. In certain cases, sustainability risks may not be considered, where they are deemed irrelevant to the investment strategy. Sustainability risks may include climate change transition and physical risks, natural resources depletion, waste intensity, labour retention, turnover and unrest, supply chain disruption, corruption and fraud and reputational concerns associated with human rights violations.

Where applicable, sustainability risks are considered by the AIFM at the due diligence and research, valuation, asset selection, portfolio construction, and ongoing investment monitoring alongside with other material risk factors, where relevant.

Where applicable, the AIFM systematically assesses investments ESG-related risks and related factors (including potential issues related to diversity, environmental impact, climate change, ethics, anti-bribery and corruption) based on publicly available information. Potential investments with too important sustainability risks may be excluded from the portfolio.

2. No consideration of adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors (Article 4 SFDR)

The AIFM does not currently consider principal adverse impacts (PAI) of investment decisions on sustainability factors in accordance with point (a) of Article 4(1) of the SFDR. The relevant data needed to identify and weigh PAI is not yet available in the market to a sufficient extent or of the required quality. 

The AIFM will review the data situation on a regular basis and, if necessary, decide again on this basis on the possibility of taking into account PAI of investment decisions on sustainability factors.

3. Consistency between remuneration policies and the integration of sustainability risks (Article 5 SFDR)

For the purposes of article 5(1) of the SFDR, the AIFM declares that it has not put in place a remuneration policy in light of the fact that it qualifies as a registered alternative investment fund manager and thus does not fall under such requirement under the AIFMD. 

Fund-Level SFDR Disclosures - Stableton Co-Investment I SCSp

Transparency of other financial products in pre-contractual disclosures and in periodic reports – article 7 of the Taxonomy Regulation

In accordance with Article 7(2) SFDR, the principal adverse impacts on sustainability factors are not considered at the level of the Partnership namely due to the fact that accurate data is lacking from the underlying investments and that it is not relevant for the achievement of the investment objective. 

Principal adverse impacts may however be considered once accurate ESG data is available from the underlying investments and once the Partnership has sufficient resources to collect and report on such data.

The investments underlying this financial product do not take into account the EU criteria for environmentally sustainable economic activities.

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